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PCG 101 (E108)

This course is a broad overview of the history, core doctrines and values of the Pentecostal Church of God.
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Our Mission
  • 2020 General Bylaws
  • Historical Perspective
  • Historical Perspective
  • Video - PCG Documentary - 5 Eras (Condensed)
  • Our Story (From PCG.org)
  • Historical Perspective Quiz
  • Essential Values
  • Section 1 - Essential Values
  • Video - Why is Sound Doctrine so Important?
  • Essential Values Quiz
  • Moral Values
  • Section 2 - Moral Values
  • Article - 7 Qualifications of Biblical Leadership
  • Moral Values Quiz
  • Missional Values
  • Section 3 - Missional Values
  • Article - Defining One Mission, One Movement
  • Missional Values Quiz
  • Strategic Values
  • Section 4 - Strategic Values
  • Strategic Values Quiz
  • Legal Values
  • Section 5 - Legal Values
  • Legal Values Quiz
  • Final Project
  • 2020 Mission for a Decade of Harvest (Bishop Wayman Ming)
  • Final Project
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever